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Mercruiser Serpentine Belts Guide

Cross Reference Guide for Mercruiser serpentine belts.


Find your engine in the list and refer to the notes below.

Model Year Serial Range Part Number Belt Size Note
4.3L Alpha 1996-99 OF803000-OL618999 REC57-807755Q05 193,0 cm 4
4.3L Alpha 1996-99 OF803000-OL618999 REC57-861758Q 219,7 cm 2, 6
4.3L Alpha 1996-99 OF803000-OL618999 REC57-861759Q 235,2 cm 2, 5
4.3L Alpha 2000-04 OL619000+ REC57-865615Q04 194,1 cm 3, 6, 7
4.3L Alpha 2000-04 OL619000+ REC57-865615Q08 253,5 cm 4, 5, 7
4.3L Alpha 2000-04 OL619000+ REC57-865615Q03 270,4 cm 3
4.3L Alpha 2000-04 OL619000+ REC57-865615Q09 178,0 cm 4, 5, 7
4.3L Bravo 1996-99 OF803000-OL618999 REC57-861049Q 264,9 cm 2, 5
4.3L Bravo 1996-99 OF803000-OL618999 REC57-861757Q 247,1 cm 2, 6
4.3L Bravo 2000-04 OL619000+ REC57-865615Q08 253,5 cm 4, 7
4.3L Bravo 2000-04 OL619000+ REC57-865615Q03 270,4 cm 3

Notes: 1. Use w/ plastic 4-3/4’’ Ø p/s pump pulley. 2. Use with metal 5-3/4’’Ø p/s pump pulley. 3. Engines with power steering. 4. Engines without power steering. 5. Closed cooling. 6 Standard Cooling. 7 Engines with high mounted alternators. 8. Blower. 9. Alternator.

Model Year Serial Range Part Number Belt Size Note
5.0L Bravo 2002-04 OM600000+ REC57-865615Q06 266,7 cm 3, 5, 7
5.0L Alpha 1998-99 OL012052-OL618999 REC57-807755Q05 193,0 cm 4, 6
5.0L Alpha 1998-99 OL012052-OL618999 REC57-861049Q 264,9 cm 5
5.0L Alpha 1998-99 OL012052-OL618999 REC57-861758Q 219,7 cm 2, 6
5.0L Alpha 2000-04 OL619000+ REC57-865615Q06 266,7 cm 3, 6, 7
5.0L Alpha 2000-04 OM600000+ REC57-865615Q06 266,7 cm 3, 5, 7
5.0L Alpha 2001-04 OL619000+ REC57-865615Q08 253,5 cm 4, 5, 7
5.0L Alpha 2001-04 OL619000+ REC57-865615Q03 270,4 cm 3
5.0L Alpha 2000-04 OL619000+ REC57-865615Q09 178,0 cm 4, 6, 7
5.0L Bravo 1998-99 OL012052-OL618999 REC57-861049Q 264,9 cm 2, 5
5.0L Bravo 1998-99 OL012052-OL618999 REC57-861757Q 247,1 cm 2, 6
5.0L Bravo 2000-04 OL619000+ REC57-865615Q08 253,5 cm 4, 7
5.0L Bravo 2000-04 OL619000+ REC57-865615Q03 270,4 cm 3
Notes: 1. Use w/ plastic 4-3/4’’ Ø p/s pump pulley. 2. Use with metal 5-3/4’’Ø p/s pump pulley. 3. Engines with power steering. 4. Engines without power steering. 5. Closed cooling. 6 Standard Cooling. 7 Engines with high mounted alternators. 8. Blower. 9. Alternator.

Model Year Serial Range Part Number Belt Size Note
350 Mag, Alpha 1997-04 OK001501-OL618999 REC57-807755Q05 193,0 cm 4, 6
350 Mag, Alpha 1997-04 OK001501-OL618999 REC57-861049Q 264,9 cm 2, 5
350 Mag, Alpha 1997-04 OK001501-OL618999 REC57-861758Q 219,7 cm 2, 6
350 Mag, Alpha 2000-04 OL619000+ REC57-865615Q07 246,2 cm 3, 6, 7
350 Mag, Alpha 2002-04 OM600000+ REC57-865615Q06 266,7 cm 3, 5, 7
350 Mag, Alpha 2000-04 OL619000+ REC57-865615Q08 253,5 cm 4, 5, 7
350 Mag, Alpha 2000-04 OL619000+ REC57-865615Q03 270,4 cm 3
350 Mag, Alpha 2000-04 OL619000+ REC57-865615Q09 178,0 cm 4, 6, 7
350 Mag, Bravo 1997-04 OK001501-OL618999 REC57-861049Q 264,9 cm 2, 5
350 Mag, Bravo 1997-04 OK001501-OL618999 REC57-861757Q 247,1 cm 2, 6
350 Mag, Bravo 2002-04 OM600000+ REC57-865615Q06 266,7 cm 3, 5, 7
350 Mag, Bravo 2000-04 OL619000+ REC57-865615Q08 253,5 cm 4, 7
350 Mag, Bravo 2000-04 OL619000+ REC57-865615Q03 270,4 cm 3
Notes: 1. Use w/ plastic 4-3/4’’ Ø p/s pump pulley. 2. Use with metal 5-3/4’’Ø p/s pump pulley. 3. Engines with power steering. 4. Engines without power steering. 5. Closed cooling. 6 Standard Cooling. 7 Engines with high mounted alternators. 8. Blower. 9. Alternator.

Model Year Serial Range Part Number Belt Size Note
5.7L Alpha 1997-99 0K001501-0L618999 REC57-807755Q05 193,0 cm 4, 6
5.7L Alpha 1997-99 0K001501-0L618999 REC57-861049Q 264,9 cm 2, 5
5.7L Alpha 1997-99 0K001501-0L618999 REC57-861758Q 219,7 cm 2, 6
5.7L Alpha 2000-04 0L619000+ REC57-865615Q08 253,5 cm 3, 6, 7
5.7L Alpha 2000-04 0L619000+ REC57-865615Q03 270,4 cm 3
5.7L Alpha 2000-04 0M600000+ REC57-865615Q06 266,7 cm 3, 5, 7
5.7L Alpha 2000-04 0L619000+ REC57-865615Q08 253,5 cm 3, 6, 7
5.7L Alpha 2000-04 0L619000+ REC57-865615Q03 270,4 cm 3
5.7L Alpha 2000-04 0L619000+ REC57-865615Q09 178,0 cm 4, 6, 7
5.7L Bravo 1997-99 0K001501-0L618999 REC57-861049Q 264,9 cm 2, 5
5.7L Bravo 1997-99 0K001501-0L618999 REC57-861757Q 247,1 cm 2, 6
5.7L Bravo 2002-04 0M600000+ REC57-865615Q06 266,7 cm 3, 5, 7
5.7L Bravo 2000-04 0L619000+ REC57-865615Q08 253,5 cm 4, 7
5.7L Bravo 2000-04 0L619000+ REC57-865615Q03 270,4 cm 3
5.7L Ski 1997-02 K040004-M316999 REC57-807755Q04 224,0 cm
Notes: 1. Use w/ plastic 4-3/4’’ Ø p/s pump pulley. 2. Use with metal 5-3/4’’Ø p/s pump pulley. 3. Engines with power steering. 4. Engines without power steering. 5. Closed cooling. 6 Standard Cooling. 7 Engines with high mounted alternators. 8. Blower. 9. Alternator.

Model Year Serial Range Part Number Belt Size Note
377 Scorpion MCM 1999-04 OL416146+ REC57-861757Q 247,1 cm
377 Scorpion Ski 1997-98 K000656+ REC57-807755Q04 224,0 cm
Notes: 1. Use w/ plastic 4-3/4’’ Ø p/s pump pulley. 2. Use with metal 5-3/4’’Ø p/s pump pulley. 3. Engines with power steering. 4. Engines without power steering. 5. Closed cooling. 6 Standard Cooling. 7 Engines with high mounted alternators. 8. Blower. 9. Alternator.

Model Year Serial Range Part Number Belt Size Note
454 Mag MPI 1998-01 OL010029-OM024999 REC57-861049Q 264,9 cm 1
454 Mag MPI 1998-01 OL010029-OM024999 REC57-865615Q06 266,7 cm 2
454 Mag MPI 1998-01 OL010029-OM024999 REC57-865615Q07 246,2 cm 4
454 Mag MPI Horizon MIE 1998-01 OL002200-OL674000 REC57-865615Q07 246,2 cm
Notes: 1. Use w/ plastic 4-3/4’’ Ø p/s pump pulley. 2. Use with metal 5-3/4’’Ø p/s pump pulley. 3. Engines with power steering. 4. Engines without power steering. 5. Closed cooling. 6 Standard Cooling. 7 Engines with high mounted alternators. 8. Blower. 9. Alternator.

Model Year Serial Range Part Number Belt Size Note
496 Mag & HO 2000-04 OM025000+ REC57-865615Q01 283,0 cm
Notes: 1. Use w/ plastic 4-3/4’’ Ø p/s pump pulley. 2. Use with metal 5-3/4’’Ø p/s pump pulley. 3. Engines with power steering. 4. Engines without power steering. 5. Closed cooling. 6 Standard Cooling. 7 Engines with high mounted alternators. 8. Blower. 9. Alternator.

Model Year Serial Range Part Number Belt Size Note
500 EFI 1999-04 L001477+ REC57-807755Q04 224,0 cm
Notes: 1. Use w/ plastic 4-3/4’’ Ø p/s pump pulley. 2. Use with metal 5-3/4’’Ø p/s pump pulley. 3. Engines with power steering. 4. Engines without power steering. 5. Closed cooling. 6 Standard Cooling. 7 Engines with high mounted alternators. 8. Blower. 9. Alternator.

Model Year Serial Range Part Number Belt Size Note
502 Mag MPI 1998-01 OL017000-OM024999 REC57-861049Q 264,9 cm 1
502 Mag MPI 1998-01 OL017000-OM024999 REC57-865615Q07 246,2 cm 4
502 Mag MPI 1998-01 OL017000-OM024999 REC57-865615Q06 266,7 cm 2
Notes: 1. Use w/ plastic 4-3/4’’ Ø p/s pump pulley. 2. Use with metal 5-3/4’’Ø p/s pump pulley. 3. Engines with power steering. 4. Engines without power steering. 5. Closed cooling. 6 Standard Cooling. 7 Engines with high mounted alternators. 8. Blower. 9. Alternator.

Model Year Serial Range Part Number Belt Size Note
525 EFI 2003-04 OM900146+ REC 57-865615Q02 228,5 cm
525 SC 1991-96 OD456000-745215 REC57-817113 138,9 cm
Notes: 1. Use w/ plastic 4-3/4’’ Ø p/s pump pulley. 2. Use with metal 5-3/4’’Ø p/s pump pulley. 3. Engines with power steering. 4. Engines without power steering. 5. Closed cooling. 6 Standard Cooling. 7 Engines with high mounted alternators. 8. Blower. 9. Alternator.

Model Year Serial Range Part Number Belt Size Note
575 SCI 2000-04 OL306696+ REC57-807755Q04 224,0 cm 9
575 SCI 2000-04 OL306696+ REC57-817113 138,9 cm 8
Notes: 1. Use w/ plastic 4-3/4’’ Ø p/s pump pulley. 2. Use with metal 5-3/4’’Ø p/s pump pulley. 3. Engines with power steering. 4. Engines without power steering. 5. Closed cooling. 6 Standard Cooling. 7 Engines with high mounted alternators. 8. Blower. 9. Alternator.

Model Year Serial Range Part Number Belt Size Note
600 SC 1991-96 OD456489 - OF877462 REC57-817113 138,9 cm
600 SC 1998 OK000227+ REC57-817113 138,9 cm
Notes: 1. Use w/ plastic 4-3/4’’ Ø p/s pump pulley. 2. Use with metal 5-3/4’’Ø p/s pump pulley. 3. Engines with power steering. 4. Engines without power steering. 5. Closed cooling. 6 Standard Cooling. 7 Engines with high mounted alternators. 8. Blower. 9. Alternator.

Model Year Serial Range Part Number Belt Size Note
7.4L MPI 1998-01 OL010003-OM024330 REC57-861049Q 264,9 cm 1
7.4L MPI 1998-01 OL010003-OM024330 REC57-865615Q06 266,7 cm 2
7.4L MPI 1998-01 OL010003-OM024330 REC57-865615Q07 246,2 cm 4
7.4L MPI MIE 1998-01 OL002006-OM025999 REC57-865615Q07 246,2 cm
Notes: 1. Use w/ plastic 4-3/4’’ Ø p/s pump pulley. 2. Use with metal 5-3/4’’Ø p/s pump pulley. 3. Engines with power steering. 4. Engines without power steering. 5. Closed cooling. 6 Standard Cooling. 7 Engines with high mounted alternators. 8. Blower. 9. Alternator.

Model Year Serial Range Part Number Belt Size Note
Black Scorpion Ski 1997-01 K040004-M316999 REC57-807755Q04 224,0 cm
Notes: 1. Use w/ plastic 4-3/4’’ Ø p/s pump pulley. 2. Use with metal 5-3/4’’Ø p/s pump pulley. 3. Engines with power steering. 4. Engines without power steering. 5. Closed cooling. 6 Standard Cooling. 7 Engines with high mounted alternators. 8. Blower. 9. Alternator.

Model Year Serial Range Part Number Belt Size Note
MX 6.2L Blk Scorpion Ski 2001 L670015-M391599 REC57-807755Q04 224,0 cm
MX 6.2L MPI 2002-04 OM600000+ REC57-865615Q06 266,7 cm 3, 5
MX 6.2L MPI 2000-04 OL680003+ REC57-865615Q08 253,5 cm 4, 7
MX 6.2L MPI Horizon 2002-04 OM600000+ REC57-865615Q06 266,7 cm 3
MX 6.2L MPI Horizon 2001-04 OM300000+ REC57-865615Q08 253,5 cm 4
MX 6.2L MPI Horizon MIE 2001 M300000-M310099 REC57-807755Q04 224,0 cm
MX 6.2L MPI MIE 1999-01 L670000-M310099 REC57-807755Q04 224,0 cm
Notes: 1. Use w/ plastic 4-3/4’’ Ø p/s pump pulley. 2. Use with metal 5-3/4’’Ø p/s pump pulley. 3. Engines with power steering. 4. Engines without power steering. 5. Closed cooling. 6 Standard Cooling. 7 Engines with high mounted alternators. 8. Blower. 9. Alternator.

Model Year Serial Range Part Number Belt Size Note
8.1S MPI MIE & HO 2000-04 OM025000+ REC 57-865615Q02 228,5 cm
Notes: 1. Use w/ plastic 4-3/4’’ Ø p/s pump pulley. 2. Use with metal 5-3/4’’Ø p/s pump pulley. 3. Engines with power steering. 4. Engines without power steering. 5. Closed cooling. 6 Standard Cooling. 7 Engines with high mounted alternators. 8. Blower. 9. Alternator.


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